Frequent Agile Questions
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What is the difference between Scrum and agile?
Organisations, teams and individuals that have the ability to respond to changing consumer demand, market conditions and new technology entrants are hugely successful.
What is the difference between Scrum and Kanban?
Both Scrum and Kanban are popular agile frameworks used to help teams work together to get things done.
What is a Scrum Master?
The scrum framework defines three roles and gives clear accountabilities to each, in order to simplify decision-making and ensure that things get done.
What is a Product Owner?
Fundamentally, the role exists to help represent the needs of both the business stakeholders and the users within a complex environment.
How many scrum teams per scrum master?
A team will always be better off with a dedicated, full time scrum master. A scrum master’s role is not about managing the Team.
What is servant leadership?
Servant leadership is the idea that the main goal of someone in a leadership position is to serve others.
Who attends what event in scrum?
The four Scrum events and who attends them: sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review and retrospective.
What is a backlog item?
The Scrum Guide lists the first responsibility of a product owner in managing the backlog as “Clearly expressing Product Backlog items” but what is a backlog item?
What is product backlog refinement?
Refinement of the product backlog is alluded to in the Scrum guide as an ongoing process involving adding detail, estimates and priority order to the items on a product backlog but why should teams do it?
What problems to expect when implementing Scrum?
Several volumes can be written about the kind of problems implementing Scrum.