FAQs Live, Events, • 09/01/2024 The CIGAR model Join Helen Garcia and Geoff Goddard as they discuss the Cigar coaching framework. Previous Helan Garcia - The Innovation Funnel - Driving Organisations and People to Think Differently Next How to Create a Culture of Innovation You Might Also Like FAQs LIVE- What is the difference between Incremental and Iterative development? FAQs LIVE: The Agile Release Train Process New Models for Agile Transformation with Agility in Mind FAST goals FAQs LIVE: How can I avoid the most common problems when scaling agile?
FAQs Live, Events, • 09/01/2024 The CIGAR model Join Helen Garcia and Geoff Goddard as they discuss the Cigar coaching framework. Previous Helan Garcia - The Innovation Funnel - Driving Organisations and People to Think Differently Next How to Create a Culture of Innovation You Might Also Like FAQs LIVE- What is the difference between Incremental and Iterative development? FAQs LIVE: The Agile Release Train Process New Models for Agile Transformation with Agility in Mind FAST goals FAQs LIVE: How can I avoid the most common problems when scaling agile?